Sunday, May 25, 2008

Riverbank 25k Official Results

Wow what a morning it was for a race! I felt 'ok' that morning and was actually really nervous. This is what I had been training for for MONTHS! I didn't not want to 'screw' it up even though I would have been happy just finishing I knew deep down I wanted an 'impressive' time. I got downtown pretty stinkin early to get my bib and race packet, stretched out a bit and watched the 10k'ers and wheelers start.

Finally it was time for us to line up. I lined up between the 9 min/mile pacer and the 9:30 min/mile pacer. Soon there were people EVERYWHERE and I really did start to feel claustrophobic. Once the race started I found myself weaving through people who apparently started out a bit too close to the front!

Oddly enough I always had the 9 min/mile official pacer in my sight and for a few miles we had a nice group and kept a great comfortable pace going.....until mile 11 when I went to the side for water, looked up and he was gone! like G-O-N-E GONE! I was so bummed! I felt like that is what kept me going! I muscled along and hit a brick wall about miles 12-13. I think my legs would have stopped if my brain wasn't telling them to keep moving.

All in all I finished with a great time of 2:21:21 averaging a 9:07 min/mile! A great time for a first timer and still room for improvement! We'll see if I can continue this to be ready for a fall marathon! If not I'll be happy with rockin the Crim. Dad's getting a little scared. I may just beat the old man yet!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Nathan's spring sing

Oh dear where to start. Nathan's preschool had their spring sing on Tuesday April 29th. There were a total of 4 preschool classes participating. For the past few months the kids were practicing their songs and hand gestures. Nathan on the other hand, kept claiming he was 'too shy' and wouldn't sing or get involved.
Here he is at the beginning waving to us. The place was PACKED with parents and families. I'm surprised he even saw us....but seeing as he wasn't paying attention to the teachers it kinda makes sense. The kids did an amazing job over all. and this was at 7pm at that. Nathan had woken up early that morning (what else is new) so I was super surprised he lasted as long as he did.

Again another example, the kids all sat down during one of the songs and well, Nathan wanted no part of that. He finally did sit but we were so far back we couldn't even see what the kids were doing during. One of the parents actually came in each Monday to practice with the kids while she played the piano, so most of the songs had music to go along with it but I don't think this song did.

He would either be scratching his head, looking around at other kids, picking his nose, falling off of the step, YAWNING, anything really except singing.